Sunday, May 13, 2007

Props From the Motherland

Just got this terrific e-mail from a fan in Brazil (home of the Caipirinha) and thought I'd share it with you:

Hey Drink Artist,
I'm from Brazil and I'm a pirate fan. You've made a very good caipirinha on the podcast and since you are an expert I believe that you know what Grog is. So I would like to recomend you making a caipiríssima or caipirinha, but instead of stirring, shaking it and adding some mints in there. It tastes way better then stirred in my opinion. Other things we have in here are caipiroska, which is made from vodka and we go on making up other caipir- names changing the drink or the fruit. My favorites are shaken caipiríssima (which I call grog) and kiwi caipirinha.

Just a little culture now, caipirinha is short for caipira, that's equivalent to hillbilly but the reason for naming the drink that way is actually a mistery.

I just saw your video podcast for the first time and I'm loving it, keep up man! Hope you give the Grog and Kiwi Caipirinha (or caipiríssima) a try.

Some great info there, and rest assured we'll be doing an episode on grog soon!


LipeCau said...

Just to clarify, the grog I mention is my version of it. Normally it's hot boiling water with rum, sugar, lime juice and cinnamon. I prefer cold drinks, so I make it just like a caipirinha and then strain it. But basically grog is:
Water (Weak)
Rum (Strong)
Sugar (Sweet)
Lime (Sour)
Thanks for the mention and I'm wainting for the return

Tosh said...

Anthony, I have loved you podcast and have updated myself by watching most of the episodes. I have one request. If you have time could you give us the lowdown on schnapps as promised?

Keep up the great work!


Unknown said...

I was looking for how to prepare a cosmopolitan in Google when your podcast appeared.
And to my surprise, you have the exact same surname as I do! I heard it about 10 times to guarantee I was actually getting it right: Capparelli huh?
Your spelling might be different, but I guess the name's the same.
I couldn't even believe it when I saw a new podcast featuring "caipirinha" from MY homeland Brazil!
Yes, I'm brazilian. Capparellis are everywhere, I must say!
Where do you live, in the US?
Congratulations on your great blog. You're an excelent bartender!

Guilherme Capparelli

Unknown said...

Well, actually I'm kind of embarassed right now.
I just gave your website an extra look and noticed that your surname is actually Caporale.
Which is very similar to the way Capparelli is pronounced in english.
Sorry for disturbing!